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CSSP Virtual Leadership Roundtable - Fall 2021
Tuesday, November 02, 2021, 1:00 PM to Wednesday, November 03, 2021, 2:30 PM EDT
Category: Leadership Roundtable

The Council of Scientific Society Presidents (CSSP) is excited to announce the dates for the next CSSP Virtual Leadership Roundtable, Tuesday, November 2 and Wednesday, November 3, 2021 from 1:00 - 2:30 pm ET each day. 

The success of our inaugural two module intersession program, a way for rising leaders, or those considering leadership positions within their society, to gain advance access to critical information that will be beneficial during their terms in office, in March prompted us to offer this program again. An extension of the CSSP Chat series, the CSSP Leadership Roundtable (PDF) will create a "community of practice" for all participants. Born of the Primer sessions offered prior to the start of our in person CSSP Workshops, the Leadership Roundtable is an opportunity for newly elected officers of scientific societies to discover some of the answers to their burning "what now?" questions.

In addition to those already elected to leadership roles, this will also be an opportunity for society Board members who are considering leadership roles in their organizations to learn the value of taking the step to run for a Board officer position.

The Leadership Roundtable will again be led by CSSP current and past Board members: Dr. John Downing, Dr. Deborah Bronk and Dr. Jennifer Tank.

Some of the topics that have been discussed include:

  • What are the most important skills to bring to a leadership role?
  • What are the key elements to governing a non-profit society?
  • What legacy would you like to leave with your society when your term in office ends (planning for this in advance will make it easier to achieve that goal)?
  • As you prepare to begin your leadership role, what is your greatest worry?

This session, open to all, with a limit of 100 participants, is being offered at no cost for members of CSSP member societies. The minimal cost of $25/person for those who are not members of a CSSP member society can be applied to registration for our December Leadership Workshop. 

Register for the Fall Leadership Roundtable

Contact: Cindy Reed Paska ([email protected])